Free MCQ - Class 10 - Geography- Water Resources
Multiple Choice Questions
What is the length of coastline of India
a) 6000 m
b) 6000 km
c) 600 km
d) 600 m
Ans (b)
How much percentage of World Water resources found in India
a) 10%
b) 14%
c) 4%
d) 50%
Ans (c)
Main source of freshwater in India
a) River
b) Sea
c) Rainfall
d)all of above
Ans ( c. )
The water which percolates and ground during rainy season
a) Surface Water
b) River water
c) Ground water
d) tank
Ans ( c )
Sources of surface water are
a) River
b) Pond
c) Canal
d) All of above
Ans (d)
The river which carry sufficient water throughout the year
a) perennial river
b) non perennial river
c) stream
d) lake
Ans ( a )
Rivers which are flowing in peninsular region are
a) perennial river
b) seasonal river
c) Johad
d) kund
Ans ( b)
Water in lagoons are the used for
a) drinking
b) bathing
c ) fishing
d ) all of above
Ans (c)
Which type of climate is found in India
a) Tropical
b) Hot
c) Rainy
d) Monsoon
Ans ( d )
Which is most fertile land in the world
a) Bhramaputra plain
b) Himalaya plain
c) Indo Gangetic plain
d) Deccan Plain
Ans ( c )
Name the canal which is made for controlling the floods
a) perennial canal
b) non perennial canal
c) tank
d) Inundation canal
Ans (d)
Who constructed tubewell first time in India
a) Sir William stamp
b) Sir William Jones
c) Sir William well
d ) None of above
Ans ( a)
Method of recharge of groundwater
a) Recharge
b) Reuse
c) Trenches
d) Lake
Ans ( c )
Name the method of irrigation in which water is supplied by hoses
a) Drip irrigation
b) Sprinkler irrigation
c) Bamboo irrigation
d) canal irrigation
Ans. (b)
What is the name of earthen dams in Rajasthan
a) Johad
b) Khadin
c) Tank
d) Cheruva
Ans (a)
Some Important Questions
Que 1
What are advantages of drip irrigation system
Que 2
What is Rain water harvesting write its two advantages
Que 3
Why there is need for irrigation in India
Que 4 Differentiate
a) perenial river and seasonal river
b) inundation canal and perennial canal